Ploskev, oblique, two oak leaves, 19 February 2021
Felt-tip pen on paper, 70 x 42 cm
Flat, two tree leaves, 30 December 2020_1
Bitmap drawing
Plot, sketch, 4x oak leaf, l5.
Felt-tip pen on paper, A3
Sketch, oak leaf, 5 February 2021
Felt-tip pen on paper, A4
Oak leaf, internal structure, front view (en face), January 2021
Felt-tip pen on paper, 5 x 10 cm
Flat, two tree leaves, 27 December 2020_3
Bitmap drawing
Flat, 4 tree leaves, 6 December 2020
Bitmap drawing
Bent, tree leafs, 9 December 2020
Bitmap drawing
Flat, folded, tree leafs, 18. 12. 2020
Bitmap drawing
Flat, tree leaf, November 26, 2020
Bitmap drawing
Hardening of substances, folded cow, 17.
Bitmap drawing
Surface, flat, drawings on the surfaces of the cube, 22 November 2020
Bitmap drawing
Flat, drawing on the surface of a cube, girl, 9 December 2020
Bitmap drawing
Flat, girl, December 8, 2020_2
Bitmap drawing
Flat, drawing on the surfaces of the cube, sun, 4 December 2020
Bitmap drawing
Flatt, Sun, December 4, 2020
Bitmap drawing
Flat, use of internal (invisible) building, November 2020
Bitmap drawing
Portrait, three-quarters, bird, December 6, 2020
Bitmap drawing
Portrait, three-quarters, raven, November 29, 2020
Bitmap drawing
Portrait of a raven, dec2020
Bitmap painting
Portrait, three-quarters, bird, Dec 2020
Bitmap drawing
16b, this colorful raven, October 2020
Felt-tip pen on paper, 12 x 9 cm
14b, this colorful raven, October 2020
Felt-tip pen on paper, 16 x 14 cm
13b, this colorful raven, October 2020
Felt-tip pen on paper, 14 x 11 cm
10b, this colorful raven, October 2020
Felt-tip pen on paper, 12 x 10 cm
Lumochrom na papirju,11 x 3 cm
Sketch, October 2020
Lumochrom on paper, 17 x 13 cm
Sketch, October 2020
Lumochrom on paper, A4
Pig from the ZOO in Ljubljana, October 2020
Lumochrom on paper, 9 x 7 cm
Sketch, September 2020
Lumochrom on paper, 15 x 9 cm
Basic body modeling, October 2020
Ink on the board, 60 x 100 cm
Basic body modeling, October 2020
Ink on the board, 60 x 100 cm
Songbird, July 2020
Ink on paper, 16 x 12 cm
Songbird, August 2020
Ink on paper, 8 x 8 cm
Songbird, July 2020
Pencil on paper, 11 x 10 cm
Songbird, July 2020
Pencil on paper, 6,5 x 6 cm
Songbird, July 2020
Pencil on paper, 10 x 8 cm
Songbird, July 2020
Pencil on paper, 4,5 x 4 cm
The head, June 2020
Graphite and ink on paper, 17 x 10 cm
The head of a songbird, June 2020
Graphite and ink on paper, 13 x 12 cm
Bird’s head, June 2020
Graphite and ink on paper, 15 x 13 cm
The head of a songbird, June 2020
Graphite on paper, 10 x 11 cm (private collection)
Songbird, July 2020
Pencil on paper, 12 x 10 cm
The head of a songbird, June 2020
Graphite on paper, 13 x 10 cm
The head of a songbird, June 2020
Graphite on paper, 10 x 12 cm
Bird 1trt, June 2020
Graphite on paper, 12 x 16 cm
Bird, June 2020
Graphite on paper, 17 x 14 cm
Bird, June 2020
Graphite on paper, 16 x 12 cm
The walk 1, maj 2020
Bitmap drawing
Female figure from the side, May 12, 2020
Bitmap drawing
Figure in motion from the side, June 2020
Bitmap drawing
Sitting female figure from the side, June 2020
Bitmap drawing
Sitting male figure from the side, June 2020
Bitmap drawing
Modeling a sphere , May 2020
Bitmap drawing
Different local values, May 2020
Bitmap drawing
Shading, April 2020
Bitmap drawing
Hammering, April 2020
Bitmap drawing
Cube, April 2020
Bitmap drawing
Adults, children, April 2020
Bitmap drawing
Man, April 2020
Bitmap drawing
Woman, April 2020
Bitmap drawing
Small Chest, March 2020
Bitmap drawing
Modeling of flat surfaces, March 2020
Bitmap drawing
Different ways of modeling, March 2020
Bitmap drawing
Drawing a circle, March 2020
Bitmap drawing